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12 Best Free Online Fitness Classes and Workouts for Staying Active at Home

Now more than ever, it’s crucial to stay active and fit. With gyms and fitness studios closed, many are turning to the internet for help. We’ve put together a list of the top 12 free online fitness classes and workouts. You can enjoy these from your home. They offer a range of options, from web-based exercise programs to the best at-home fitness routines, all for free.

Do you like online workout videos or free digital exercise classes? Or maybe you prefer remote workouts with virtual fitness coaching? Whatever your choice, our list has something for everyone.


Key Takeaways:

  • Discover a variety of no-cost virtual fitness classes and workouts.
  • Choose from internet-based exercise programs and top at-home fitness routines.
  • Find free digital exercise classes and online workout videos.
  • Explore remote workout options with virtual fitness coaching services.
  • Stay active and fit at home without spending any money.

Joe Wicks YouTube Workouts

Want an easy and effective way to exercise at home? Joe Wicks YouTube workouts are what you need. He’s a famous fitness expert called The Body Coach. His channel, The Body Coach TV, has a lot of workout videos for everyone.

Are you new to working out or already love fitness? Joe Wicks has the perfect workout for you. His workouts are easy to follow and will make you feel great. You’ll start sweating and feeling proud of what you’ve accomplished.

You can do Joe Wicks YouTube workouts at home. No need for a gym membership or special gear. Just find some space and use a device to watch the videos.

Joe Wicks has many workouts to try. There’s high-intensity interval training and full-body workouts. These workouts target different muscles and improve your heart health.

So, why wait? Many have changed their lives with Joe Wicks YouTube workouts. Grab your mat and workout clothes. It’s time to exercise with The Body Coach.

The Body Coach TV: Sample Workout

Here’s a sample workout from The Body Coach TV:

  1. Warm-up: Start with a 5-minute dynamic warm-up to get your heart rate up and prepare your muscles for the workout.
  2. HIIT Session: Perform a HIIT circuit consisting of exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups, and burpees. Complete each exercise for 40 seconds, followed by a 20-second rest. Repeat the circuit for a total of 3 rounds.
  3. Core Work: Engage your core with exercises like planks, mountain climbers, and bicycle crunches. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, resting for 15 seconds between exercises. Complete 3 rounds.
  4. Cool Down: Finish off with a 5-minute cool-down, focusing on stretching and mobility exercises to help your body recover.

Listen to your body and change exercises if you need to. Remember to drink water and eat healthy to help your fitness journey.

SWEAT from Kayla Itsines

If you’re searching for good workouts, SWEAT from Kayla Itsines is perfect. Kayla Itsines, a famous personal trainer, made a fitness app. It has many workout plans. While you need to subscribe to get everything, there are free workouts on her Instagram and YouTube.

SWEAT is great for beginners and fitness lovers. Kayla’s workouts improve strength and fitness.

Kayla Itsines works hard to help people reach their fitness dreams. She plans workouts that target various muscles for a complete workout. Her exercises are short but powerful.

Looking for great fitness plans? Try SWEAT from Kayla Itsines. It’s handy through an app and on her social media. Start with SWEAT and enjoy training with a top personal trainer.

SWEAT from Kayla Itsines

Why Choose SWEAT from Kayla Itsines

  • Expertly designed workouts by a renowned personal trainer
  • Targeted exercises for specific muscle groups
  • Convenience of the SWEAT app for easy access to all workouts
  • Options for different fitness levels and goals
  • Efficient and effective HIIT and strength training
  • Variety of workout styles to keep you motivated

Lululemon Workouts

Want to step up your home fitness routine? Lululemon, the well-known athletic wear brand, offers a range of Lululemon workouts on their YouTube channel. You can pick from yoga, meditation, HIIT, or strength workouts. And the best part? All their workout videos are free.

With Lululemon’s YouTube channel, personal trainers will guide you. These workouts fit all fitness levels, whether you’re just starting or have been active for years. You can try different styles, learn new moves, and push towards your fitness goals.

The Lululemon workouts aren’t just for your body. They also offer yoga and meditation for your mind. These can help you find balance, lower stress, and become more mindful.

Don’t miss the chance to try workouts from a trusted brand. Just grab your mat, wear your favorite Lululemon gear, and prepare to sweat with their awesome YouTube channel. Let Lululemon help guide your fitness journey!

Lululemon workouts

Browse and explore the variety of Lululemon workouts available:

Workout Style Description
Yoga Find your inner Zen with Lululemon’s yoga sessions. Improve flexibility, build strength, and cultivate mindfulness.
Meditation Take a moment for yourself with Lululemon’s meditation sessions. Relax, reduce stress, and find mental clarity.
HIIT Get your heart pumping with high-intensity interval training workouts. Burn calories, improve cardiovascular fitness, and boost metabolism.
Strength Workouts Build muscle, increase endurance, and improve overall strength with Lululemon’s strength training sessions.

Adidas Women Workouts

Adidas Women helps you stay fit and active. The brand is famous for supporting women’s fitness. They offer great workouts on their YouTube channel.

The Adidas Women YouTube channel has loads of workout videos. You will see workouts by well-known trainers like Adrienne LDN and Zanna van Dijk. These pros make working out fun and varied.

No matter your workout preference, Adidas has you covered. They offer HIIT, strength training, and yoga. These workouts are meant to push and motivate you. You can easily follow them at home.

New videos are added regularly to the Adidas Women workouts YouTube channel. This keeps your workout routine exciting and new. It helps you stay inspired on your fitness journey.

Check out the free videos on the Adidas Women YouTube channel if you want a solid workout. You’ll enjoy breaking a sweat. And you’ll be guided by some of the best trainers out there.

“Stay fit, stay active, and stay motivated with Adidas Women workouts. Your body will thank you!”

Here’s a sneak peek at what you can expect from Adidas Women workouts:

Workout Style Trainer
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Adrienne LDN
Strength Training Zanna van Dijk
Yoga Nikki Pebbles
Cardio Dance Melanie C

Adidas Women workouts

The Blogilates Channel

The Blogilates channel was started by Cassey Ho. It gives you many free workouts. These exercises target different parts of the body. Cardio workouts, barre, and pilates are some you can try. Whatever your style, there’s something for you.

Cassey Ho’s workouts are simple and work well. They are great for both beginners and those who love fitness.

Heather Robertson’s Full Body HIIT Sessions

Heather Robertson’s YouTube channel is a top pick for HIIT lovers. She has many full body HIIT workouts. You will end up feeling great and accomplished.

Her HIIT workouts are tough but rewarding. They mix quick, intense exercises with brief rests. This helps burn calories and boosts heart health.

She also offers core exercises to strengthen your abs. These workouts improve your abs, back, and sides for a strong middle.

For those who want to work on specific body parts, Heather has you covered. You can focus on your arms, legs, or glutes with her targeted workouts.

Her full body HIIT workouts are both powerful and easy to follow. Heather’s clear guidance helps you do each exercise right and benefit fully.

“Heather Robertson’s workouts have changed my fitness game. Her HIIT is tough but makes me feel proud. Her focus on specific areas helps me work on parts I want to improve. Her workouts are now key in my routine.” – Sarah, HIIT enthusiast

Ready for a workout challenge? Check out Heather Robertson’s YouTube. Her full body HIIT sessions are sure to make you sweat.

Heather Robertson's Full Body HIIT Sessions

The Benefits of Full Body HIIT

Heather Robertson’s full body HIIT workouts offer many fitness benefits:

  • Efficient calorie burn: HIIT is great for burning calories fast. You keep burning calories even after your workout ends.
  • Improved cardiovascular fitness: These workouts boost heart health. They improve endurance and lung function.
  • Time-efficient: Perfect for busy people. These workouts are quick yet effective, saving you time.
  • Increased metabolism: HIIT boosts your metabolism. You’ll burn calories long after you’re done exercising.
  • Variety and versatility: The workouts target various muscles. This keeps your workouts interesting and builds strength.

Want to burn calories, get fit, or shake up your routine? Try full body HIIT, like Heather Robertson’s, to reach your goals.

Lottie Murphy’s Pilates

For those who don’t like high-impact workouts, Lottie Murphy’s Pilates is ideal. These exercises strengthen your core without straining your body. They use gentle movements to work different muscles. And, Lottie Murphy’s Pilates flows are easy but offer the right challenge to keep you in shape at home.

Adding Lottie Murphy’s Pilates to your routine builds a strong core and overall body strength. These sessions increase stability, flexibility, and posture. Plus, they boost mindfulness and well-being. No matter your fitness level, you’ll find Lottie Murphy’s Pilates refreshing and effective for staying active.

Lottie Murphy's Pilates

Benefits of Lottie Murphy’s Pilates Features
Improves Core Strength Engage and strengthen your core muscles through controlled movements.
Enhances Flexibility Improve your range of motion and flexibility with targeted stretches.
Builds Lean Muscle Pilates exercises help to tone and sculpt your body, promoting lean muscle growth.
Boosts Mind-Body Connection Foster a deeper connection between your mind and body, promoting mindfulness and relaxation.
Accessible and Effective Lottie Murphy’s Pilates routines are designed to be simple and effective, suitable for all fitness levels.

The Fitness Marshall

If you love dancing and want to mix it with working out, meet The Fitness Marshall. This YouTube channel offers dance workouts that get your heart pumping. The moves are easy to follow, and the playlist is lively. It’s a fun way to exercise with music you love.

dance workouts

Why Choose The Fitness Marshall?

The Fitness Marshall stands out by blending dance with exercise. You get to move to the music instead of doing usual gym routines. The dances engage your whole body for a comprehensive workout, hitting different muscle groups.

Dance is great for keeping active and boosting heart health. The Fitness Marshall provides energetic songs that keep you moving. His workouts suit everyone, from dance pros to beginners. It’s all about having fun while exercising.

“Dancing is a fantastic way to stay active and improve cardiovascular fitness.”

A Fun and Engaging Fitness Community

The Fitness Marshall has a warm and excited community of dancers. Through his YouTube and social media, you can join others who love dance workouts. It’s a place to share your journey, challenges, and passion for dance.

These workouts don’t just improve fitness; they also teach new dance moves and boost coordination. With The Fitness Marshall, exercising feels like a vibrant dance party. His energy and joy make every session special.

Benefits of The Fitness Marshall
Fun and enjoyable workout experience
Improves cardiovascular fitness
Engages the entire body
Boosts coordination and rhythm
Builds a supportive fitness community

Join The Fitness Marshall and discover the fun of dancing to fitness. Enjoy moving to great music and reaching your health goals. It’s a joyful way to work out.

Yoga with Adriene

If you’re after a calming and mindful workout, Yoga with Adriene is your go-to spot. Adriene, known well in the yoga world, brings a variety of yoga flows. These are for different needs and jobs. Want stretches after running or help with back pain? Need to lower your anxiety? Adriene’s got you covered with her videos.

Adriene offers gentle stretches and rigorous routines to match your fitness goals. She covers various yoga styles, helping you find your fit. A unique part of Adriene’s method is her focus on meditation’s benefits. This approach gives you a complete boost in fitness and well-being.

Yoga with Adriene lets you enjoy calming yoga flows and learn about yoga types and meditation’s effects. Millions have found peace and inner strength with Adriene’s free, easy-to-access sessions. Join them for a journey to better health and mind with Yoga with Adriene.


What are the best free online fitness classes and workouts?

We have listed the top 12 free online fitness classes and workouts. These are perfect for doing at home. They offer a range of choices from online exercise programs to the best at-home fitness plans, all free.

Who is Joe Wicks and what are his YouTube workouts?

Joe Wicks, known as The Body Coach, is a famous fitness pro. He has free workout videos on his YouTube channel, The Body Coach TV. Joe Wicks gives you home workouts for all fitness levels with his lively routines.

How can I access Kayla Itsines’ workouts?

Kayla Itsines is a world-famous trainer. She has many workouts on her SWEAT app. While her app needs a subscription, you can find free workouts on her Instagram and YouTube.

Where can I find free workouts from Lululemon?

Lululemon has a YouTube channel filled with free workouts. They offer yoga, meditation, HIIT, and strength workouts. These are led by top trainers and are good for all fitness levels.

Are there any free workout options from Adidas?

Yes, Adidas uploads workouts on their YouTube channel. They feature popular trainers like Adrienne LDN and Zanna van Dijk. There’s a range of workouts to match what you like. adidas Women’s workouts are perfect for a quick or focused session.

What types of workouts can I find on the Blogilates channel?

Blogilates by Cassey Ho offers many free workouts targeting different body areas. Find cardio, barre, and pilates that fit your style. Cassey’s routines are simple, effective, and easy to follow.

What kind of workouts does Heather Robertson offer on her YouTube channel?

Heather Robertson has a YouTube channel with a range of HIIT workouts. Her channel includes HIIT challenges, core workouts, and sweat sessions for specific areas. Her workouts are effective for a full-body workout at home.

What can I expect from Lottie Murphy’s Pilates workouts?

Lottie Murphy offers Pilates for those who like a regular but low-impact workout. Pilates helps with core strength and targets muscles with small movements. Lottie’s workouts are easy to follow and challenge you just enough to stay fit at home.

Which YouTube channel offers dance workouts combined with exercise?

The Fitness Marshall is great for dance lovers who want a workout. His dance workouts are fun and raise your heart rate. With catchy music and simple moves, you’ll have a blast while working out.

What kind of workouts can I find on Yoga with Adriene’s YouTube channel?

Yoga with Adriene offers a calming, mindful workout. She has many yoga flows for different needs like running, back pain, or anxiety. Adriene covers various yoga types and meditation, giving a full wellness approach.